Thursday, November 17, 2016

2016 Election Aftermath

I have made a conscious choice with this blog to be non-partisan. I want to address universal philosophies here, not specific people or groups, and I only bring up current events to illustrate deeper messages and their relevance.

In that spirit, I am only going to say this about the 2016 United States presidential election:

No matter what happens, we must care about all people. We are all human, we are all in this together, no matter how different our beliefs on how to approach problems may be. Respect others' lives, choices, and emotions, even if you disagree with them. Remember that no demographic of people is truly homogeneous and being part of one does not reveal an individual's entire character. Voice your beliefs, voice them clearly,  but do not let yourself become tainted by hate or fear. They make you unhappy and easily misled, by both others and yourself.

If you want to do good, take action. I thoroughly encourage it. But know why you are doing it and ensure you are being productive. If you seek to change established minds, you will not do so by being antagonistic. If you present yourself as an enemy, you will be treated that way. They will shut you out and with you, your message.

If you're unsure how to fight without anger, how to foster acceptance without condemnation, I recommend reading this article:

and watching these videos